New Toys: The Fitbit

29 Jan

After a bout with a nasty 48-hour-ish bug over the holidays, I’m down to the weight I’ve always thought I wanted to be. I’m still not thrilled with the way I look, particularly in the belly region, and so I’m trying to step up my workouts and cut back on some of the bad foods I love to eat.

Actually, I’m not working very hard at either increasing my workout intensity (or even consistency), and I totally ate a bowl of German Chocolate Cake ice cream last night.

I’m just lacking motivation. Maybe it is the frigid weather.

In any case, this looks so totally cool. I’m seriously considering buying one. Mostly to track my sleep habits. I am obsessed with sleep (primarily with the idea that my quality of sleep sucks), and I think this might be a neat way to also get my calorie consumption under control again.

It could also be a total sink of one hundred dollars. I’m on the fence.

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